DNA Wellness Testing

Ever wonder why two people can eat the exact same foods and experience different weight gains and losses?

By analysing your genetics, we help you discover your body’s ideal nutrition & fitness plan. Actionable DNA insights that you can turn into powerful lifestyle, fitness, and diet changes. 

How can our DNA test assist?
Our goal is to empower you to take more control in improving your quality of life. This report can assist you in understanding how your genes can influence:

  • Your body size and weight.
  • Your ability to lose weight.
  • Your appetite and eating behaviours.
  • How your body stores and processes dietary fats.
  • Your risk of having an abnormal cholesterol profile.
  • Your vitamin, mineral, and other nutrient needs.
  • Your sensitivity to specific tastes, foods and drinks.
  • Your power, endurance, recovery and injury risk when you exercise.


•To be guided to make dietary and lifestyle changes for a healthier life by choosing the nutrition and exercise regimens that are more in line with your genetic make up .

•To learn about the interactions between your genes and their lifestyle and be recommended the actions that can help modify the effects of your genes.

•To identify those genetic factors that contribute to, without being the cause of, your body weight, vitamin needs and other aspects of your wellbeing.

Note this cost does not include the price of a naturopath consultation to review the findings.

If you are a new client you can have the review of the DNA test as part of your second appointment “Report of Findings” where the DNA test recommendations can be incorporated into your treatment plan.

If you are an existing client then please be sure to book a 1 hour extended appointment after the results are made available to you.

Lisa’s client Emma (pictured below) says, “I had lost a considerable amount of weight with Lisa but then it started to plateau. Lisa suggested I do the DNA Wellness Test​ for insight and the information was invaluable. Some of the insights I learned included:

  • My body has a gene that does not deal well with fat intake so I need keep my fat 25% or less of my total calories. That’s why a high fat diet like keto would never suit me. 
  • I have reduced levels of a hormone called adiponectin (a hormone that initiates fat break down and boosts metabolism) and whilst not the most encouraging news, it enabled me to be patient with myself and know I have to be very diligent with not overeating and that I have to include regular exercise to lose weight. I just cant get away with things like other people can!
  • My taste receptors are geared towards eating large amounts of sugar which finally made sense to me. 
  • Genetically I was more likely to be low in iron, B12 and B6 so to focus on foods high in these nutrients, supplements and to make sure my GP checks my levels at least once a year. 
  • When it came to exercise my gene variation is associated with stiffer tendons, reduced ligament strength and less flexible joints. This is likely to reduce my range of
    movement and increase my risk of injury. I am also genetically more prone to muscle cramping from exercise. This emphasised to me the importance of stretching before and after training and using my foam roller regularly. Also to hydrate well and take magnesium to prevent cramps. 
  • There were also some reassuring positives about my heart health, good Vitamin D receptors, muscle strength and power and processing omega 3s.